viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

¿Do we live in a global world?

After analysing different labels, we had work out the conclusion that most of the clothes are made in developping countries, most of them in Asian countries like China. Among the brands that do this are usually the most important ones as Adidas.

Most of our food comes from developed countries like the  European ones; but others come from certain regions of the world,  because the climate characteristics are special and the plants can only grow there, for example coffe.

Games is a very controversial topic because some games are made in developing countries, like China, for example transformer toys, and others are made on developed countries like Germany, for example lego toys; but videogames are always made on developed countries like Japan or United States, for example Mario Galaxy.

We had a conclusion that between the clothes, food and games, we live in a unglobal world because most of the products we use are made in developping countries.

Made by:
Jesús Vaquerizo
Víctor Vivas
Carmen Pardellas

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