miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011


We have produced many displays to promove environmental awareness about the use of energy, sustainability and pollution.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Sustainable energies

A few days ago it was published that in the world we are already 7,000 millions of people and as most of our planet resources are limited we have to take responsibility of our natural environment for the future.

Because of this it's essential that we all work to make sustainable development a reality, because if now we use the resources without wasting them we could use them for longer.

Things we can do to improve the future of the Earth:
- Plant trees.
- Promote the use of renewable energies.
- Save water 
- Prevent air pollution.

By: Sergio Muñoz and Javier Herrero.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Living in a global world

Global trade versus fair trade

Are you a consumer? Click on the link below and reflect about the consequences of our standard of living. Take action, either move or be moved.


This concept is very important because if we reduce we can stop a lot of environmental problems, it is simple and we can do it every day , daily, from the very moment when we wake up to when we go to bed. 
Do not forget that to produce everything we buy  raw materials, water, energy, minerals, .. are needed; all these resources  might run off or need a lot of time to be renewed
There's a lot of ways for you to reduce waste, save yourself some time and money, and to take care of the Earth at the same time, for example : 
  •  When you buy use your own cloth bag or shopping cart.
  •  Reduce the use of aluminum foil.
  • Use long life light bulbs
  • Buy products sold in refill packs or concentrated products
  •  Reduce energy and water.
 By: Vanesa  Casado, Sara Santamaria y Lucia Irati Fernandez   

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011


Our proyect was to analyze different labels of clothes in order to know where they come from and what materials they are made up of. Examinating the labels we have observed that most of them are made up in developing countries as: China, Bangladesh, Turkey and India. Besides the raw materials are produced in many different countries, if we consider this and the problem of clothes distribution that means more transport and pollution. Our conclusion is that we should  buy things that are produced in our country because it coulf help to can reduce pollution and save energy.

Irene Galindo y Sara Fernández

What can you do to save water? GO GREEN. TAKE ACTION!!!!

'Water is not a gift from our ancestors but a loan from our descendents'
There is the same amount of water on Earth today as there was when the dinosaurs

roamed. And just less than one percent of the planet's water is available to meet the daily drinking water, sanitation and food needs of nearly 7 billion people and millions of other species. Learn more about water in all its forms and how you can make a difference.

Investigate different ways of saving water through this funny game.

Design a poster to display at least five tips to save water. Remember, water permeates every aspect of our lives. The issues range from rivers and oceans, climate change, pollution, alternative energy to poverty, human rights, gender discrimination and basic, clean, drinking water.
That's time for us to do something!!!!!