viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Pueyo de Jaca

·         El Pueyo de Jaca, is situated at an altitude of 1091 meters to the left of the river Gallego, tail Bubal Marsh, belongs to the region of Alto Gallego and the municipality of Panticosa.
Pueyo means a place at the top, hill or tower. For many centuries it was known as the Pueyo, in 1857 acquired an official place name "El Pueyo de Jaca"
Of note is the parish church of San Miguel (sixteenth century) which was later absorbed by another eighteenth century church, it has a single nave with side chapels. Concello mention the bridge over the river Caldara, along which the road was built in 1550, but has been rebuilt several times.
Lucia Martin, Sergio Muñoz y Blanca Urias

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